RepUs methodically takes a “fresh eye” and unbiased assessment of your reputation both internally (e.g., executives, managers, staff, customers) and externally (e.g., community, partners, media, social influencers).
RepUs tailors each assessment by using an array of tools, including:
- Conducting Focus Groups
- Meeting Key Stakeholders, Influencers, Customers, Community Leaders, Media
- Surveying Target Customers and Staff
- Analyzing Past Media Coverage
- Examining Social Media Channels
- Researching Select Competition
You will be in a better position to understand your company’s reputational strengths and vulnerabilities, and we’ll make sound recommendations to improve your overall image.
The RepUs assessment also thoroughly examines (and makes recommendations to) the following:
- WHOis/are your target audience(s)
- Justify WHYyou should target them
- Determine WHATmessages resonate with your audiences and WHAT your company wants them to do (i.e., What’s the call-to-action?)
- Identify WHERE(i.e., internal outlets, media, social media, conferences) to communicate information
- WHEN(i.e., timing and frequency) to communicate