At RepUs, our talents center around reputation, but our true passion is helping deserving nonprofits. We have a long, proud history of partnering with some remarkable nonprofits that exemplify dedication to their worthwhile causes. Collaborating with nonprofits excites us and makes our work worthwhile.
As nonprofits help to make the world a better place, there are times when you may need to enhance your ability to connect with the right individuals and donors, advance the overall mission of the nonprofit and protect the integrity of the nonprofits mission, while helping to defend the nonprofit against unexpected circumstances, ranging from personal to political.
Three Phases of Reputation Support for Nonprofits
Protecting Your Aspirations
Working side-by-side with us for at least six months, RepUs can help you execute your plan and measure its success. We’ll also teach you how to maintain momentum going forward.
Advancing Your Reputation
You’ll receive a strategic, clear and tactical plan to advance your mission and enhance your reputation based on the insights obtained through the assessment.
Enhancing Relationships
Connect with RepUs about your aspirations and what relationship you’re seeking to enhance. We’ll listen, offer feedback and perform an initial reputation assessment based on your specific circumstances.